Your dry sensitive skin will thank you
Having dry skin stays with you all day. If you use the wrong body soap, you feel it all day. Your skin feels sensitive and itchy. Your clothes rub and pull at your skin and you feel it every time you move. Having dry skin can feel like torture. The body wash you choose has very real consequences to dry skin so it’s vital you seek out the best moisturizing body wash for dry skin.
Best moisturizing body wash for dry skin
Best natural body wash for dry skin
Best body wash for extremely dry skin
Best body wash for dry sensitive skin
Cheaper body washes use chemicals and toxins to pad and preserve their products. Sure, it says this body wash will last forever, but is that because it’s formulated with a nuclear isotope?! Obviously (hopefully!), that’s not true, but some of the stuff they do put into your soap is proven to be toxic to human beings.

Then you go scrubbing this into your sensitive dry skin… your poor skin desperate for moisture is going to soak up anything you put on it. This includes all the garbage they mix in so it doesn’t separate or break down from sitting on the shelf too long. And some of those companies that make body products by the MILLIONS, you can’t tell me that they are buying the best ingredients. They are buying the cheapest ingredients that can be provided in BULK with the best supply chain. This rarely means they are going for the best ingredients.
So let’s make a promise to your dry skin at this very moment to only put excellent body washes, soaps, scrubs, and lotions that has as many natural ingredients in them as possible. Ever hear of someone (without a food allergy) complaining of his skin breaking out from having too many natural products touching it? Didn’t think so.
So what is the best body soap for dry skin?
Literally dozens of ingredients can be packed into a body wash for many different reasons. You might think that the ingredient list really doesn’t mean much, but there are things that are brilliant for dry skin and then there are ingredients that can be devastating.
Some things you definitely should look for in body washes for dry, itchy skin:
- Essential Oils. These oils replace the need for synthetic fragrances and many of them are good for your skin too. Some essential oils also offer tremendous healing benefits to our bodies.
- Natural Oils. Oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or even hemp oil are all fabulous for your skin. They are naturally anti-microbial, moisturizing, and they provide tons of antioxidants and vitamins to your skin.
- Beeswax. Not too many body washes have much beeswax in them, but it’s fabulous for your skin! It leaves your skin moistened and nourished.
Some things that you should avoid in your body washes:
- Triclosan. This is an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent added to soaps. I’m not entirely sure why it’s in there, but studies have shown that it is shown to cause skin irritation.
- Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This is a very common chemical agent that is designed to make soap more foamy. Yahoo! You get all these nice big bubbles, but SLS is really harsh! It can irritate the skin and if your skin is already dry, you will notice it drying out even more. If you have extremely sensitive skin, you can also add sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) to the list of skin drying agents.
- Lye. Lye is one of those “old school ingredients” they always used to make soaps. Lye is a concentrate of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide sometimes combined with animal fats to make bar soap. Sure this was fine for your grampa to use on his thick, railroad-working skin (weren’t all people railroad workers back then?), but once you get it on your already dry skin, it can cause itching, irritation, and even skin burns.
- Polypropylene. This is one of those things that large manufacturers of store brand skin care love to dump into their products. Who cares what it’s in there for, it’s a possible carcinogen and really has no place next to your skin.
- FD&C dyes/Synthetic Dyes. First of all, if your body has an unnatural color, don’t use it!!! Synthetic dyes are dumped in to make our soaps cheerful and super colorful because, I don’t know, we are a bunch of children that need to get our happiness from brightly colored soap? You are an adult. You are a civilized adult. Do you really need My Little Pony colored soap? These dyes are made from petrochemicals that have been shown to cause allergies, skin irritation, even hives. If you’re really sensitive to fake dyes, it might even cause respiratory problems.
- Antibacterial agents. Did you know that many antibacterial agents can kill 99.9% of germs?! Really? Regular soap and hot water can get around 80% of common germs. It’s that .1 percent of germs that this thing doesn’t kill that is the germ you should be most worried about. Seriously. Why would you want that on your skin anyway when it’s either basically bleach or toxic chemicals? Leave the antibacterial soaps at the stores where they can’t hurt anyone.
The Best Body Wash for Dry Skin
So here we come to what you’re really looking for. You’ve got sensitive dry skin that’s desperate for moisture and you want to feed it. But… you are civilized and you want to feed it in the best way possible to, quite possibly, cure your extremely dry skin. Look no further, my friends! Here are a few of our absolute favorite body soaps for dry skin.
Now if you’ve been buying stuff at your grocery store and haven’t gotten any relief from those cheap soaps, you might notice the price tag on some of these soaps. Let’s look at it this way: a lifetime of those gross four to seven dollar soaps have left you desperately looking for the best body wash for dry sensitive skin. Is it possible that these body washes are so expensive because there has actually been some RESEARCH into creating a product that actually works?!! You’re not just paying for a tube full of goo, you are paying for the very real science to formulate a soap that not only relieves your dry skin, but does a whole lot to actually curing it.
Your body wash is not a place where you can go cheap. It’s something you use every day, all over your body and if you have dry skin, this is the first place to look for a culprit. Get something that feeds your skin and not just strips it of its healthy natural oils!
Best moisturizing body wash for dry skin
One of the few bar soaps we recommend because it’s just so dang moisturizing! This gentle exfoliator cleans all your body parts and leaves it feeling soft—and young! How many soaps can say that one? It also does wonders on rosacea, acne, eczema and any other rashes that might pop up on your skin. Users boast about how this one little bar of soap changed their lives after years of searching for something that actually puts moisture back in their skin.
Best natural body wash for dry skin
You won’t be able to say anything bad about this natural and organic product. All you need to see are the gushing reviews to know this might just be the answer to dry and itchy skin. Plus it’s made from soapberries (Sapindus Mukorossi) which is a naturally foaming product so they don’t have to add a bunch of chemicals to get the suds going. And the ingredient list sounds like a delicious smoothie that your skin will just soak up. This product might just be our absolute favorite!
Best body wash for extremely dry skin
What skin is more dry than Eczema? If nothing else works on your dry skin, you might look into the body washes formulated for serious skin conditions. And this soap by CLn free of steroids, antibiotics, parabens, triclosan, and fragrances. It’s also hypoallergenic, non-drying, and non-irritating that will make your skin purr.
Best body wash for dry sensitive skin
So what happens if your skin is sensitive but still could use a little exfoliation without making matters worse? This fabulous smelling body wash will curl your toes in glee! You will feel the difference after only a couple washes with this body soap and your sensitive skin will calm down and basically feel like… nothing! No more sitting in your clothes all day squirming from the burn and itch that seems to never go away. This is exactly what you are looking for.
Thoughts on Body Wash for Dry Skin
As I said before, if whatever soap your using now hasn’t actively relieved your dry skin symptoms, THROW IT OUT! It might be news to some of you, but the body wash you use could actually give you serious relief from the symptoms of dry skin. That’s right! You don’t need 50 different dermatologists to give you pills or skin care regimens when you choose a body wash and lotion for dry skin that will make all of your symptoms vanish.
This actually happens when real researchers spend a bunch of time experimenting with ingredient mixtures until they find a perfect solution that actually heals your dry itchy skin. For some of these other body wash manufacturers, I picture them saying “We should make a product for all the people with dry skin. Mix some low quality aloe in with our normal body wash and label it as a dry skin cure!” The problem is that that their normal skin body wash is packed full of chemicals and toxins that are destroying your skin and making it dry out more every time you step into the shower.
The best suggestion? Look at the label of what you are already using and if you see a ton of words that you can’t pronounce and don’t know what it’s in there for, THROW IT OUT! Get yourself something someone put a lot of effort into that actually does what it says. The best body wash for dry skin is the one specifically formulated for your precious body.